

Short product names


Full product name
Dayside equatorial electric field


Estimate of eastward equatorial electric field component, by using magnetic measurements of the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) current as the satellites fly overhead. Since the magnetic signal of the EEJ current is directly measured by the satellite, this product also provides an estimate of the EEJ current strength.

Output variables

Timestamp-Time of satellite crossing of the magnetic equator, UTC1CDF_EPOCH
LongitudedegreesGeographic longitude of satellite crossing of the magnetic equator1CDF_REAL8
LatitudedegreesGeographic latitude of satellite crossing of the magnetic equator1CDF_REAL8
EEFmV/mEstimate of the equatorial electric field1CDF_REAL8
EEJmA/mHeight-integrated east current profile in QD latitude, spanning [-20:0.5:20] degrees81CDF_REAL8
RelErr-Quality indicator of EEF estimate; relative error between modeled and observed current profile1CDF_REAL8
Flags-Flags describing data gaps and satellite identification1CDF_UINT2


Product identifier EEFxTMS_2F
Definition Dayside equatorial electric field
Input data MAGx_LR_1B, MCO_SHA_2X
Input time span Every dayside equator crossing ±20 minutes
Spatial representation One longitude/latitude pair (on the magnetic equator) for each output value
Time representation Single values at time of dayside equator crossing
Units V/m
Resolution 0.1 mV/m
Uncertainty 0.1 mV/m
Quality indicator Relative error between modeled and observed current profile
Data volume < 2 kB
Output data CDF file with time series
Output time span Continuous for entire mission. One value for each day-side equator crossing (90 minute sampling for day-night local time orbits, 45 minutes for dawn-dusk orbits)
Update rate One output file per day
Latency 30 hours
Notes The EEJ vector has length 81 and corresponds to QD latitudes ranging from -20° to +20° in steps of 0.5°. So for example, the corresponding QD latitude vector could be constructed using the following MATLAB syntax: qdvec = [-20:0.5:20].