

Short product names


Full product name
Auxiliary data needed for precise orbit determination and non-gravitational force modelling


The SC_xDYN_1B Product contains auxiliary data needed for precise orbit determination and non-gravitational force modelling.

Output variables

TimestampUTCTime of observation1CDF_EPOCH
SyncStatus-Synchronization status1CDF_UINT2
a_Sunm/s2Acceleration due to Solar radiation pressure, S/C frame3CDF_DOUBLE
e_Sun-Direction to the Sun, unit vector, S/C frame3CDF_DOUBLE
m_SCkgActual mass of S/C1CDF_DOUBLE
r_CoGmCenter of gravity, S/C frame3CDF_DOUBLE
A_headm2Cross sections of the S/C, orbit frame,front3CDF_DOUBLE
A_rightm2Cross sections of the S/C, orbit frame,right3CDF_DOUBLE
A_leftm2Cross sections of the S/C, orbit frame,left3CDF_DOUBLE
A_downm2Cross sections of the S/C, orbit frame,down3CDF_DOUBLE
K_Earthm2Downward optical reflectivity of the S/C3CDF_DOUBLE
P_GasPaPressure of gas tanks2CDF_DOUBLE
T_Gasdeg CTemperature of gas tanks2CDF_DOUBLE
Flags_Platform-Flags characterizing the S/C platform information1CDF_UINT2
Flags_q-Flags characterizing the attitude information1CDF_UINT1
dt_thrsThruster on-time12CDF_DOUBLE
thr_set-Flag indicating which thruster branch is active 1CDF_UINT2
f_thrmNNominal thrust force of activated thrusters (combined x, y, z)3CDF_DOUBLE
a_centrm/s2Centrifugal acceleration, S/C frame3CDF_DOUBLE
a_GGm/s2Gravity gradient acceleration, S/C frame3CDF_DOUBLE


Meaning of Flags_Platform, and Flags_q in the data product
Flag Value Description
Flags_Platform 0 Platform telemetry nominal (no missing or suspicious data)
4 Heater switching
5, 6 Combination (sum) of values 1 and 2 with 4
8 Level 1a.Bus.State telemetry missing
9, 10 Combination (sum) of values 1 and 2 with 8
16 Thruster firing
17...26 Combination (sum) of values 1/2, 4/8 and 16
32 Level 1a.AOCS.Thru_HK telemetry missing
33...42 Combination (sum) of values 1/2, 4/8 and 32
Flags_q 0 Attitude information (STR) nominal
1 Lack of 1 or 2 attitudes of CHU1 in 4 nearest STR samples
2 Lack of 1 or 2 attitudes of CHU2 in 4 nearest STR samples
3 Lack of 1 or 2 attitudes of CHU3 in 4 nearest STR samples
4 Lack of 3 or 4 attitudes of CHU1 in 4 nearest STR samples
5 Lack of 3 or 4 attitudes of CHU2 in 4 nearest STR samples
6 Lack of 3 or 4 attitudes of CHU3 in 4 nearest STR samples
7 Not currently used
8 On-ground aberrational correction of any attitude sample among 4 nearest STR samples.
9-14 As 1-7 above with on-ground aberrational correction of any attitude sample among 4 nearest STR samples.
15 Not currently used
16 CHU1 obscured by bright object in 4 nearest STR samples (all 4 CHU1 samples invalid), CHU2 and CHU3 ok
17 CHU2 obscured by bright object in 4 nearest STR samples (all 4 CHU2 samples invalid) , CHU1 and CHU3 ok
18 CHU3 obscured by bright object in 4 nearest STR samples (all 4 CHU3 samples invalid) , CHU1 and CHU2 ok
19 Lack of 2-4 attitudes of CHU1 and CHU2 in 4 nearest STR samples, but not both simultaneously
20 Lack of 2-4 attitudes of CHU1 and CHU3 in 4 nearest STR samples, but not both simultaneously
21 Lack of 2-4 attitudes of CHU2 and CHU3 in 4 nearest STR samples, but not both simultaneously
22 Lack of 3-4 attitudes of CHU1, CHU2, and CHU3 in 4 nearest STR samples, but not two simultaneously
23 Not currently used
24-30 As 16-22 above with on-ground aberrational correction.
31 Not currently used
32 1 or 2 attitudes based on CHU1 alone (CHU2 and CHU3 missing) in 4 nearest STR samples
33 1 or 2 attitudes based on CHU2 alone in 4 nearest STR samples
34 1 or 2 attitudes based on CHU3 alone in 4 nearest STR samples
35 2 attitudes based on single, intermittent CHU alone in 4 nearest STR samples
36-39 Not currently used
40-43 As 32-35 above with on-ground aberrational correction.
44-47 Not currently used
48 1 attitude sample missing among 4 nearest STR samples (data gap)
49 2 attitude samples missing among 4 nearest STR samples
50 3 or more attitude samples missing among 4 nearest STR samples
51 3 or 4 attitudes based on CHU1 alone in 4 nearest STR samples
52 3 or 4 attitudes based on CHU2 alone in 4 nearest STR samples
53 3 or 4 attitudes based on CHU3 alone in 4 nearest STR samples
54 3 or 4 attitudes based on single, intermittent CHU alone in 4 nearest STR samples
55 Not currently used
56-62 As 48-54 above with on-ground aberrational correction.
63-254 Not currently used
255 Not enough STR data for generating attitude information.