

Short product names


Full product name
Timeseries of spherical harmonic expansion coefficients of the large-scale magnetospheric field from the comprehensive inversion chain


Timeseries of spherical harmonic expansion coefficients of the large-scale magnetospheric field from the comprehensive inversion chain

Output variables

t_qs_1CDF_EPOCH1msTime instants of external Gauss coefficients q (cosine) and s (sine)
qs_1CDF_DOUBLE1nTExternal Gauss coefficients q (cosine) and s (sine) in dipole frame corresponding to time instants t_qs_1
dqs_1CDF_DOUBLE1nTFormal error estimate for qs_1
nm_qs_1CDF_INT21-First column: vector of spherical harmonic degrees of the coefficients qs_1. Second column: vector of spherical harmonic orders. Nonnegative values denote coefficients q (cosine) while negative values denote coefficients s (sine)
t_qs_2CDF_EPOCH1msTime instants of external Gauss coefficients q (cosine) and s (sine)
qs_2CDF_DOUBLE2nTExternal Gauss coefficients q (cosine) and s (sine) in dipole frame corresponding to time instants t_qs_2
dqs_2CDF_DOUBLE2nTFormal error estimate for qs_2
nm_qs_2CDF_INT22-First column: vector of spherical harmonic degrees of the coefficients qs_2.Second column: vector of spherical harmonic orders. Nonnegative values denote coefficients q (cosine) while negative values denote coefficients s (sine)
t_gh_1CDF_EPOCH1msTime instants of induced Gauss coefficients g (cosine) and h (sine)
gh_1CDF_DOUBLE1nTInternal induced Gauss coefficients g (cosine) and h (sine) in dipole frame
dgh_1CDF_DOUBLE1nTFormal error estimate for gh_1
nm_gh_1CDF_INT21-First column: vector of spherical harmonic degrees of the coefficients gh_1.Second column: vector of spherical harmonic orders. Nonnegative values denote coefficients g (cosine) while negative values denote coefficients h (sine)
t_gh_2CDF_EPOCH1msTime instants of induced Gauss coefficients g (cosine) and h (sine)
gh_2CDF_DOUBLE2nTInternal induced Gauss coefficients g (cosine) and h (sine) in dipole frame
dgh_2CDF_DOUBLE2nTFormal error estimate for gh_2
nm_gh_2CDF_INT22-First column: vector of spherical harmonic degrees of the coefficients gh_2.Second column: vector of spherical harmonic orders. Nonnegative values denote coefficients g (cosine) while negative values denote coefficients h (sine)
t_qualCDF_EPOCH1msTime instants of quality information (rms, n_data, and q_flag).
rmsCDF_DOUBLE2nTRoot-mean-square difference between models and input data (after processing to subtract non-magnetospheric sources) in dipole frame, for the time instants indicated by t_qualFirst column: RMS difference in radial direction. Second column: RMS difference in theta direction. Third column: RMS difference in phi direction.
n_dataCDF_UINT22-Number of data used at each time-instant from each satellite.First column: Number of data from SWARM A. Second column: Number of data from SWARM B. Third column: Number of data from SWARM C.


Product identifier MMA_SHA_2C
Definition Spherical harmonic representation of the large scale magnetospheric field and of its induced counterpart
Input data MMA_SHAi2C, MMA_VAL_2_
Input time span All available quiet time observations from the mission
Spatial representation Spherical Harmonics of degree and order at least 1 for the external field and of degree and order at least 5 for its Earth induced counterpart
Time representation Time series
Units nT
Resolution ≤ 1 pT
Uncertainty Refer to product quality report
Quality indicator Statistics of data misfit provided in the validation report
Data volume ~2 MB/year
Output data Time series of external and induced SH coefficients in dipole coordinate frame; root-mean-square differences between (processed) input data and models; number of data from each satellite used for each model; quality flag
Output time span Time span as input
Update rate First after 1 year, updated every year
Latency 1.5 months
Part of the CI (comprehensive inversion) chain, related to the "CM" model series, see e.g.: Sabaka, T.J., Tøffner-Clausen, L., Olsen, N. et al. CM6: a comprehensive geomagnetic field model derived from both CHAMP and Swarm satellite observations. Earth Planets Space 72, 80 (2020).