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Spherical harmonic model of the main (core) field and its temporal variation derived in Comprehensive Inversion chain


Spherical harmonic model of the main (core) field and its temporal variation derived in Comprehensive Inversion chain


Product identifier MCO_SHA_2C
Definition Spherical harmonic model of the main (core) field and its temporal variation
Input Data MCO_SHAi2C, MCO_VAL_2_
Input Time Span All available quiet time observations from the mission
Spatial representation Spherical Harmonics up to degree 18
Time representation Snapshot models, based on order 5 splines with 6 months knots spacing
Units nT
Resolution 1 pT
Uncertainty Refer to quality report
Quality indicator Statistics of data misfit provided in validation report
Data volume ~10 kB
Data format ASCII table (SHC)
Output Data Gauss coefficients
Output time span As input time span but with some extrapolations
Update rate First after 1 year, updated every year
Latency 1.5 months
Part of the CI (comprehensive inversion) chain, related to the "CM" model series, see e.g.: Sabaka, T.J., Tøffner-Clausen, L., Olsen, N. et al. CM6: a comprehensive geomagnetic field model derived from both CHAMP and Swarm satellite observations. Earth Planets Space 72, 80 (2020).